Wound Vac Therapy

Wound vac therapy is a sophisticated, innovative method of treating wounds, removing fluids that can increase the risk of a potentially life-threatening infection. It is used for both acute and chronic wounds, helping to promote healing and also to reduce the risk of infection.

How Wound Vac Therapy Works

By applying negative pressure to a wound, wound vac therapy removes fluid. As a result, blood flow to the wound is increased, which helps it heal properly. Not only does this type of therapy increase the production of healthy cells, it also reduces the accumulation of bacteria – and also the chances that an infection will occur.

Benefits of Wound Vac Therapy

In many instances, patients suffering from severe chronic wounds have to stay in the hospital for a long period of time in order to receive the proper treatment. Wound vac therapy can help to substantially reduce the length of a hospital stay so that a patient can get back to his or her normal activities faster.

In addition, typical chronic wound treatment requires that dressings be changed at least twice a day. In many instances, it takes someone with a specific set of medical skills to do this properly so that an infection does not develop. With wound vac therapy, on the other hand, dressings usually only have to be changed once every 48 hours. The length of a patient’s treatment will depend on the size of the wound being treated.

Contact Us About Wound Vac Therapy

If you would like to find out if you are a candidate for wound vac therapy, schedule an examination at DFW Wound Care Center. We will let you know how you may benefit from this treatment, what to expect, and give you an idea of how long it will take. Please contact us online or call at 972-665-6292 (Plano), 972-318-2383 (Lewisville) or 972-607-9643 (Irving).

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