Virtually everyone experiences wounds from time to time, and most can be treated simply, easily, and safely at home. Of course, if you experience a wound that continues to bleed, is deep, presents extreme or continuing pain, it’s important to seek out the services of Dr. Reza Mobarak at DFW Wound Care Center in Plano or Lewisville for more advanced treatment.

You also need to monitor for infected wounds, and if a wound is accompanied by fever, weakness, or dizziness, immediate medical help should be sought. For simple wounds, however, here are some do-it-yourself wound care tips:

Wound Cleaning

Any type of open wound needs to be thoroughly and gently cleaned. Run warm, not hot, water over the wound, ensuring that any visible debris has been washed away. Use a mild soap and a clean cloth to gently rub the wound in order to remove any debris that is unseen and to remove any blood.

Antiseptic Treatment

Once a wound has been properly and thoroughly cleaned, and antiseptic should be applied to kill off germs and bacteria. While you can use agents such as isopropyl alcohol, these agents can lead to burning and pain as well as drying. Instead, consider using hydrogen peroxide in order to sterilize the wound.

Bandaging Wounds

Foot Wound CareAfter you have cleaned and sterilized the wound, apply a bandage. This bandage can be in the form of a traditional Band-Aid or it can be a gauze pad and non-stick wrapping.  Make sure that these elements are sterile as well in order to minimize the change of infection. Bandages should be changed once a day for maximum efficiency and increased healing time.

Antibiotic Ointments

In addition to bandages, it’s a good idea to apply antibiotic ointment to a wound before the initial bandaging and in between bandage changes. Try not to oversaturate the wound in order to avoid problems with bandages sticking, especially if you are using traditional Band-Aids. If you experience any type of pain, redness, or swelling when applying antibiotic ointments, consult with a physician to find an alternative and to be examined.

If you’ve experienced a wound that requires more than simple care, contact the DFW Wound Care Center to receive effective treatment from experienced professionals. The DFW  Wound Care Center specializes in treating wounds of all types, including lacerations, diabetic wounds, pressure ulcers, and incisions. As mentioned, if you are ever faced with a severe wound, you need to seek immediate medical help, and no wound should ever be accompanied by fever or infection.

To schedule an appointment with a wound care treatment specialist in the Dallas, TX area, call DFW Wound Care Center today at 972-665-6292 for the Plano, TX, location or 972-318-2383 for the Lewisville, TX, clinic.

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