Open wounds require some care to prevent infection. Here are some things you can do to significantly decrease the chances of infection.

Frequent Hand Washing

Reducing The Risk Of Infection In Open WoundsYour hands and the hands of those that care for you should often be washed to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria to open wounds. If hands seem too dry from washing, then try switching to a less hash soap.

Cleaning Wounds Regularly

Your treatment provider will give instructions on how often to clean wounds. In most cases a few times per day is adequate. Various antiseptic solutions or sea salt soaks can be used. Of course, it is critical to follow your physician’s instructions precisely because wounds can vary so much.

Keep Pet Dander Away

We all love our pets, but they can pose problems with open wounds. Pet dander can carry MRSA and other bacteria that can lead to major infection. Keeping wounds covered and your home tidy and vacuumed can help. Those with open wounds should not sleep in the same bed with pets.

Good Nutrition

When your immune system is strong, you can more easily fight off infections. If you are not taking a good multi vitamin and eating a balanced diet, then you need to get started. If you are taking medications or have other dietary concerns, you will want to consult with your doctor to discuss what supplements and foods are best for you to eliminate or add.

Don’t Touch

A lot of people find that it is hard to not touch areas near a wound. Frequent touching can introduce bacteria and irritate the tissue that is attempting to regrow. Keeping your wound covered with a clean dressing can prevent the urge to touch it.


In the case of some wounds, a physician may at least prescribe a topical antibiotic ointment to keep bacteria from causing a lot of trouble. In those with compromised immune systems or suffering from other issues, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics as a preventative measure.

This is usually only done in cases where the risk of infection are very great, and it is deemed to be better than risking it.

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