laser therapy in planoLaser therapy in Plano is a very safe, effective way to treat several different kinds of wounds. By using light to accelerate the process of healing, the experts with DFW Wound Care Center have helped many patients get back to their normal activities much faster than originally possible.

How it Works

There are certain types of light that can effectively transfer energy to cells and tissue, and laser therapy in Plano takes advantage of laser’s capability to help heal wounds. Lasers provide strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, and they do it very quickly. Not only is it a painless form of treatment, it is non-invasive and can be used on any patient, no matter how young or old he or she may be. While you will still need to speak with your doctor to make sure you are a candidate, the odds are very good laser therapy in Plano will be right for you.


There are a great many advantages provided by laser therapy in Plano. For example, treatment can be performed very quickly, so you can be in and out of the office and get on with your day. In addition, any pain you may be experiencing will very likely be substantially reduced – or possibly even eliminated completely.

Your Appointment

When you schedule an appointment for laser therapy in Plano, your doctor will either hold the laser-emitting device next to your body or on your body for a certain amount of time. During your treatment, a beam of light set at a specific wavelength will pulsate. The duration of the dose, as well as its wavelength and pulse rate, will be determined by specific guidelines.

If you would like to learn more about laser therapy in Plano, contact DFW Wound Care Center online or give us a call at 972-665-6292.

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