A wound infection can be a dangerous situation that can lead to several complications, including death. Here are some of the reasons this problem occurs and what can be done to prevent it from happening to you or a loved one.
Why an Infection Happens
Bacteria or other microorganisms can get into a wound and colonize, leading to a potentially harmful infection. This can result in either a delay in healing or potential deterioration of the area. When the immune system of the body either cannot deal with the growth of the bacteria or becomes overwhelmed for any reason, then a wound infection can occur.
Common Causes of a Wound Infection
The bacteria that can cause a wound infection can originate from either the skin, other areas of the body or the environment. The skin contains bacteria that are normally harmless – as long as the skin is not disturbed. However, if a wound occurs then these or other bacteria can accumulate in the area that has been injured, leading to tissue damage and increased inflammation. This prolongs the healing process. When a wound is poorly dressed or not otherwise treated properly, the risk of infection increases.
Prevention and Treatment
If you suffer a wound, you need to take good care of the area to prevent an infection from occurring. In many instances, a dressing will need to be changed at least once a day in order to keep the risk of complications at a minimum. There are several types of advanced dressings available that not only promote faster healing but also do not need to be changed as often. Oral or topical antibiotics prescribed by your doctor can also combat infection.
To learn more about preventing wound infection or to get the treatment you need to make sure this problem does not occur, get in touch with DFW Wound Care Center. Call us at 972-665-6292 (Plano) or 972-318-2383 (Lewisville) or contact us online to schedule an appointment.
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